AFK Command
AFK Command
The AFK command allows users to manage their Away From Keyboard status, including setting, viewing, editing, and deleting AFK messages with optional image attachments.
,afk [subcommand] [reason/parameters]
,away [subcommand] [reason/parameters]
Subcommand | Syntax | Description |
set | ,afk [reason] |
Set your AFK status with an optional reason and image |
show | ,afk show |
Display your current AFK status |
edit | ,afk edit [new reason] |
Modify your existing AFK status |
delete | ,afk delete |
Remove your AFK status |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
reason | string | ā | Message explaining why you're AFK |
image | attachment | ā | Image to display with your AFK status |
The command responds with embedded messages containing:
- Confirmation of the AFK status change
- The set reason
- Timestamp of when the status was set
- Attached image (if provided)
- Current mood (if set)
Bot Needs:
- Send Messages
- Embed Links
- Attach Files
User Needs:
- Send Messages
,afk Getting lunch # Set AFK with reason
,afk show # Check current AFK status
,afk edit Back in 30 minutes # Update AFK message
,afk delete # Remove AFK status
,away # Alternative command syntax
- The command supports image attachments for enhanced status messages
- Default behavior (no subcommand) sets AFK status
- Reasons are optional but recommended
- Previous AFK status and image are preserved when editing unless explicitly changed
- The system maintains timestamp information for tracking AFK duration
Common Issues
Error | Cause | Solution |
"Failed to set AFK status" | Service connectivity issues | Try again after a few moments |
"You don't have an AFK status set" | Attempting to edit/show/delete non-existent status | Set an AFK status first |
"Please provide a reason" | Missing reason for edit command | Include a new reason when editing |
Last Updated: 2024-12-04 ```****